Geek Bowl X
Presented By Geeks Who Drink
Saturday, February 20th at 6:00pm MST
Online sale ends: 02/20/16 at 5:00pm MST
Magness Arena
2240 Buchtel Blvd.
Denver, CO 80210
-= series =-
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Geek Bowl X (2016)
Magness Arena at Ritchie Center Denver, CO On Saturday, February 20th, Geeks Who Drink is proud to present: Geek Bowl 2016 With special guests Metalachi It's our 10th annual cash-prize quiz that has sold out 4 years in a row and will be held on home turf, Magness Arena in Denver, CO. Quiz starts promptly at 7:00 PM; doors at 6:00 PM. Compete against Geeks Who Drink quiz teams from 40 states. Cash prizes will be awarded to at least the top three teams! The Magness Arena is located inside Denver University's Ritchie Center, 2240 Buchtel Blvd., Denver, CO 80210. Team size is limited to six players and tickets must be purchased six at a time. Seating is on a first-sold, first-served basis. There are 1380 PLAYER tickets (230 teams) available. Teams who buy their tickets and register first will be placed highest in the queue for seating assignments and will receive (what we think) are the best seats available in their zone based on their placement in the queue. This generally means closest to furthest from the stage. As more tickets are sold, the further back teams will be. Seating position is not a guarantee of ticket purchase and will be determined by Geeks Who Drink. See event notes for additional rules and details. There is food available at Magness Arena. The exact fare available will vary so please plan accordingly. Geeks Who Drink runs nearly 700 weekly pub quizzes throughout the US. Visit us online at: www.geekswhodrink.com And last year's event run-down: NOTE: No one under 18 years old will be admitted. THE BASICS Geek Bowl 2016 is an 8-round quiz with 8 questions per round. Rounds will vary in content format and point allocation may vary by question. The maximum number of players allowed on a team is six. The quiz will be broken up to allow time for breaks. The quiz will be held at: Magness Arena 2240 Buchtel Blvd. Denver, CO 80210 Doors open at 6:00pm, the quiz starts promptly at 7:00pm. All teams must complete registration prior to February 18th. Registration will be completed via email. Floor tickets are available for $35 per person, Very Entitled Geek (VIP) seats available for $75.00, Stadium style fixed seating tickets are available for $30. All player ticket levels must be purchased in teams of six. Player tickets will not be available at the door. This event has sold out in less than 3 hours. Spectator seats will be available. Spectator seats are $20 and can be purchased at purplepass.com/geekbowlx Please read the following rules and fine print carefully before purchasing. By playing Geek Bowl 2016 you agree to be bound by the following: THE RULES Before the event starts, teams must provide complete registration information for all players on the team. This information will tell us who is playing and will be used to make any prize awards subject to the Oh-so-fine print below. You can only use your brains and the brains of your teammates to answer questions. Extra-cranial information sources are prohibited. REGARDING PHONES, LAPTOPS, PDAS, WALKIE TALKIES, MP3 PLAYERS, NOTEBOOKS, AND ANY OTHER DEVICES OR MATERIALS (WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE ANSWER SHEETS AND WRITING UTENSILS YOU ARE GIVEN FOR THE QUIZ) CAPABLE OF STORING OR ACCESSING INFORMATION: you can't use them or have out during the quiz. If you are spotted with any of the above-prohibited items you may be ejected from the quiz without refund and your team may forfeit all points for the active round. ANY EJECTIONS AND FORFEITURES ARE AT THE SOLE DISCRETION OF GEEKS WHO DRINK LLC. IF YOU NEED TO MAKE/ANSWER A PHONE CALL OR CHECK THE TIME ON YOUR PHONE, LEAVE THE QUIZ AREA. IF YOU'RE GOING TO TAKE A PICTURE OF SOMETHING, DO SO WITH A DEVICE THAT CANNOT BE USED FOR ANYTHING OTHER THAN TAKING PICTURES. Players will be allowed to leave the quiz area during a round, but once they leave, they will not be permitted to re-enter until the answer sheets have been collected for that round. We're going to have still cameras, video cameras, and possibly other recording devices going at the venue before, during and after the quiz. If you attend, it's possible that you will be captured on one of said devices. We'll use these recordings for a variety of purposes without compensation and by attending, your consent is implied. Players are not allowed to bring recording devices to the event with the exception of still cameras. Alcohol will be served during the event. You are solely responsible for monitoring the amount of alcohol you drink, and if you have consumed too much you should arrange a ride home that doesn't put you in jeopardy of injuring yourself or someone else. Employees and contractors active within the 3 months preceding Geek Bowl 2016 are not eligible to play, and their immediate family members are not eligible to win. THE OH-SO-FINE-PRINT Geek Bowl, Geek Bowl 2016, and the related indicia are a trademarks of Geeks Who Drink LLC, a Colorado Limited Liability Company. Geek Bowl 2016 is produced by Geeks Who Drink LLC whose offices are at: 3795 E. 38th Avenue Denver, CO 80205 Participation is open to US residents aged 18 or older at the time the quiz commences. Geeks Who Drink LLC reserves the right to make changes to the quiz format before and during the event. Geeks Who Drink LLC may change the terms and conditions at any time. A complete copy of the current terms and conditions is available by written request to the above address. With the exception of still image cameras, the use of any audio and video recording equipment at Geek Bowl 2016 is prohibited. Time is of the essence during the Geek Bowl 2016 event and Geeks Who Drink LLC reserves the right to make final decisions regarding the accuracy of quiz answers and the allocation of points. All scoring decisions made by Geeks Who Drink LLC are final. All prizes awarded subject to verification. By playing Geek Bowl 2016, players agree to provide Geeks Who Drink LLC consent to verify all internet and telephone access service records to determine that such devices were not used in violation of rules. Team prizes will be awarded to team members individually in a share proportional to the number of players registered to the team upon the commencement of Geek Bowl 2016. Any tax obligations resulting from the award of prizes are the responsibility of the winning players. Players winning prizes agree to furnish any and all information necessary for Geeks Who Drink LLC to apply with federal, state, and local tax laws including but not limited to I-9 taxpayer identification prior to prize award. Geeks Who Drink LLC reserves the right to eject any player upon suspicion of cheating without refund. Players play the event at their own risk. Alcohol will be available during the quiz. Players agree that they will not consume alcohol in excess and that they are solely responsible for abiding by all local, state and federal laws regarding the purchase and consumption of alcohol. Players agree to indemnify and hold harmless Geeks Who Drink LLC, it's employees, contractors, partners and sponsors for any claims (including third party) arising from Geek Bowl 2016. By purchasing, and/or registering for, a ticket Players and spectators consents that email address for notifications for current and future Geek Bowl correspondence. By purchasing a ticket Players agrees that under no circumstance shall the liability of Geeks Who Drink LLC exceed the price a player has paid for a ticket. |