Forbidden Forest
Presented By Rush Entertainment
Friday, December 11th at 8:00pm PST
Online sale ends: 12/11/15 at 10:00am PST
, CA 92126
-= series =-
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Horge Lost In Time AKA Thumper Nutype Snare Shnootz Arimanu Description
Rush Entertainment and EyeOmega Productions are bringing you 4,500 watts of tree shaking sound and psychedlic lighting to blow your third eye to bits!
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Mind Altering Frequencies Provided by Nutype - HARDCORE/GABBER/HARDSTYLE DJ Shnootz - ACID TRANCE/TECHNO Horge - NEURO/DARK DRUM & BASS Lost In Time Music - PSYCHEDELIC TRANCE Snare - DARK PSYTRANCE Darklord Gob - GLITCH Thumper - FREEFORM HARDCORE Amiranu - (Psytrance) (SD) The Venture Crew // Karana Music facebook.com/AmiranuTheManicMystic https://soundcloud.com/amiranu AKA - Psytrance ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *100% COSTUMED EVENT! Must be in costume for entry! *8pm - 4am *LEAVE NO TRACE ( conserve the fairy habitat ) *$10 presales $20 day of the rave ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: **DISCLAIMER** We have chosen an area in the forest relatively safe from the dangerous creatures of the night. But do be warned.. Do Not Get Lost! The Forbidden Forest is vast and wide and can play tricks on your minds. So be cautious and weary of the creatures you encounter! A few common creatures to look out for are Acromantulas, Centaurs, Thestrals, Trolls, Werewolves, and Unicorns. Although tempting to touch, never try to encounter a unicorn. They are highly magical and are considered unstable when approached by humans. *Do not eat the Wild Psychedelic Mushrooms!!! They are Known to cause panic and delirium, leading to people wandering into the Forest, and even death. We are not responsible for any muggles that put them self in harms way by wandering into the forest, eating wild mushrooms, or encountering wildlife. Please be safe, responsible and brew your potions lightly. CONSIDER YOURSELF WARNED! Los Angeles Dancesafe will be there to facilitate in harm reduction efforts! Items Not Allowed
Weapons, Fire flowtoys
Additional Information
INFO WILL BE POSTED DAY OF EVENT AT https://www.facebook.com/events/734529513346648/