Celebrus Lupercalia
Presented By Photosynthesis Festival LLC
Sunday, February 28th at 6:00pm PST
Online sale ends: 02/27/16 at 11:45pm PST
Greenwood Lodge
7910 Greenwood Ave N
Seattle, WA 98103
-= series =-
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Multimedia and Fine Dining Description
Live N Love presents The 6th Annual CELEBRUS LUPERCALIA: an evening of downtempo grooves, multi media, and fine dining. ~LUPERCALIA~ An ancient pre Roman festival celebrating the fertile spirit and a pantheon to the god PAN. The holiday marks the return of the light and is a time of joyous revelry and abandon. Your are graciously invited to this intimate optical experience. This event is near and dear to our hearts. We cherish family, friends, fertility, prosperity, art, and food, and we invite you to be part of this celebration as we rejoice in life and embrace this year. We have planned for you a lovely 4 course Japanese meal prepared by head chef Panting Wolf paired with stunning audible and visual projects from: Kozmo Presents: City Lights by Charlie Chaplin. (A modern soundtrack over a must see silent film) Ganesha Column (LIVE) Dane Garfield Wilson & With accompaniment by: Adam Creighton, Zane Smith & Aslan Rife Visuals presented by SCOTT K. JAMES Tea Lounge with Kyle Conyers Live Art with: Mari Shibuya http://marishibuya.com/ & Moksha Marquardt http://mokshamarquardt.com/ advanced online tickets: https://www.purplepass.com/Celebrus DUE TO LIMITED SEATING ALL RESERVATIONS MUST BE MADE BEFORE 11:45 PM Saturday Feb 27th The cost is $20 per person via the ticketing link above. THIS INCLUDES A FOUR COURSE MEAL by our wonderful chefs! (Read more about them below) ***VEGAN? GLUTEN FREE? In fact Chef Robyn Thompson specializes in vegan viddles so dont worry! We have options for everyone! If you have any other allergies, make sure you send us a message. We will take care of you.*** ***Concerned about overfishing? Our fish is supplied from a sustainably harvested vendor*** 3 ways to reserve a seat: 1. Visit https://www.purplepass.com/Celebrus and pay with a credit / debit card or with your paypal account. (20$ + fees) 2. Reserve a seat by sending an email to LiveNLoveProductions@gmail.com (subject: Celebrus), before midnight Saturday Feb 27, and pay 27$ / ticket at door (sorry this option costs extra). 3. Check with us day of show for availability by texting Kyle at 206.396.9704 or Patrrick at 206.557.8448. If we have seats left they will be 30$ at the door. And now a word about our Chefs: Chef Panting Wolf: Panting Wolf, aka naked sushi, aka Chef Jeff, Seattle's locals in the know have been treated to the pioneering sushi making talent of the fifteen years of experience at such recognized venues as, Ohana, Wasabi Bistro, Liberty, Chinoise, and other well known Seattle kitchens. Naked sushi in Seattle started with this creative cat, way back in 2001. Known even for bringing sharp skills to burning man at the 2003 Iron chef@ the burn..Panting Wolf, is an Artist of food, metals, wood, stone and heart centered living. Jeff played a huge part in bringing Seattle the now world famous, very first Hemp fest.These days dawning all his creative out of the box talents as a permaculture designer and developer, building a sustainable future with heart and deep enthusiasm, all over the world. Chef Robyn Thompson Robyn is a NW native who teaches private, prenatal, & workplace yoga in the Seattle & surrounding areas. She loves cooking and chopping veggies as a form of meditation. Her favorite foods are blueberries, chocolate & salsa and she truly believes in the healing power of yoga, food & music. Special Thanks to: The Greenwood Masonic Lodge #253 http://www.greenwood253.org/ |
Presented By
6:00pm to 11:00pm
General Admission: $20.00
All Ages
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