Software Testing Full Package
Presented By nowtrends
Wednesday, February 10th at 8:00am PST
Online sale ends: 02/10/16 at 7:00am PST
Thistle Hyde Park hotel
92 Lancaster Gate
london, W2 3NR
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Software testing full package Description
Nowtrends provide a wide range of services in software testing and quality control. Our quality assurance specialists carry out technical investigation to ensure that software meets the requirements in terms of correctness, efficiency, security, completeness etc. these include: Functional Testing Manual Testing Automated Testing (with Win Runner, QTP, Rational Robot, Rational Functional Tester) Web Testing UI Review and Recommendations Usability Testing Web Security Testing Web Services Testing Security Testing Penetration Testing Application Security Threat Testing Risk Analysis Performance Testing Load and Stress Testing Volume Testing Performance Monitoring and Tuning Effective testing is more than just a routine procedure – it’s a sort of art that only quality assurance specialists master. Careful examination is vitally important to the quality of software as any software product contains bugs. It is the result of software complexity – not the programmer’s lack of professionalism. So quality assurance specialists apply a unique testing approach to all products they deal with. Needless to say that all Nowtrends products pass the obligatory testing by quality assurance specialists: Functionality and regression analysis; User's interface testing (GUI) and usability testing; Cross-browser and cross-platform testing; Performance testing for projects assigned for mass usage; Specific testing depending on the purpose of the released product. Quality assurance specialists define the most important testing types for each released product and offer optimal test combinations. With many years of expertise behind them you can depend on our Q A specialists to bring you functional, bug-free and stable software and web applications. By thoroughly analysing code, design reviews, continuous improvement etc. we implement several kinds of software testing to ensure no errors pass unnoticed! System testing, integration testing, unit testing, component testing – whatever is necessary our quality assurance specialists do it all. Additional Information
visit our website at www.nowtrends.net
Presented By
8:00am to 4:45pm
General Admission: $380.00
100 +44 800 689 4361 PAST EVENTS