Distressor, Ugly, Psychic Weight, Exile, DRVNK
Presented By Koto
Friday, March 4th at 8:30pm EST
Online sale ends: 03/04/16 at 7:30pm EST
90 Washington St
Salem, MA 01970
-= series =-
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Hardcore on the North Shore!
Distressor distressorma.bandcamp.com facebook.com/DistressorMA Psychic Weight psychicweight.bandcamp.com facebook.com/psychicweight Ugly uglyboston.bandcamp.com facebook.com/Ugly-1382671572059315 EXILE http://exilema.bandcamp.com/releases DrVnk drvnk.bandcamp.com Friday, March 4th @ Koto. 90 Washington St, Salem MA Tickets $5 in advance, $7 at the door 21+ Items Not Allowed
Outside Food/Drink
Presented By
8:30pm to 12:45am
140 9785948681 PAST EVENTS