Funhouse Lounge is proud to present Apples Against Humanity! Family Game Night gone wrong! In the first half of our show, our improvisers create scenes based on audience-chosen cards from everyone’s favorite family-friendly card game "Apples To Apples". Then, the second half takes a decidedly different turn. Using suggestions and inspiration from everyone’s favorite adult-friendly card game, "Cards Against Humanity”, the results are far more adult (and hilarious).Come see your favorite word-based card games come to life, live and improvised on stage, complete with audience interaction, nouns galore, and good, clean, offensive fun. Don’t miss this progression of comedy as only the Funhouse Lounge can bring you! It’s a comedy show. For horrible people. It’s Apples Against Humanity.
Directed by Andy Barrett
Starring The Funhouse Lounge Artists In Residence
Performances are Apples Against Humanity - 7:00 pm, Fridays & Saturdays, March 4, 5, 11, 12, 18, 19, 25, 26. |
Presented By
7:00pm to 8:30pm
General Admission: $10.00
90 503-841-6734 UPCOMING EVENTS