Bellwire, Gay Sin, Heavy Pockets, Horse Girl
Presented By Koto
Friday, June 3rd at 9:00pm EST
Online sale ends: 06/03/16 at 8:00pm EST
90 Washington St
Salem, MA 01970
-= series =-
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Cave Dweller Throws Shows
BELLWIRE garage boys reppin their new album on tour. Show yr luv :) https://www.facebook.com/bellwire/ GAY SIN are our favorite boston queerdos. A super group of people who get to the gig, so come to theirs =p https://www.facebook.com/gaysin420/?fref=ts HEAVY POCKETS consists of three puppies with good haircuts. You may have never liked anything from New Hampshire before but we are sure you will like them if you like music ♥ https://www.facebook.com/lilmynh/?fref=ts HORSE GIRL wannabe carnies, actual cuties from salem that play goodtime funtime rock tunes. https://horsegirl.bandcamp.com/releases >=} Items Not Allowed
Outside Food/Drink
Presented By
9:00pm to 12:45am
General Admission: $3.00
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