2016-2017 Season Subscriptions ABAC Presents!
Presented By Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College Foundation
Thursday, October 13th at 6:45pm EST
Online sale ends: 10/13/16 at 7:30pm EST
ABAC Connection
2802 Moore Hwy
Tifton, GA 31793
-= series =-
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DISCOVER . . . it is and always has been an innate need in everyone, to reach beyond the familiar into the unknown. That exploration excites, inspires and, at times, even intimidates us, but the drive to reach out pushes us all to look beyond what we know already. This year’s performing arts offerings at ABAC begin with the University of Georgia Symphony Orchestra and the exotic sounds of de Falla’s Nights in the Gardens of Spain. The Baldwin Players offer Aristophanes’ satirical masterpiece The Birds as well as Lillian Hellman’s dramatic portrayal of the struggles of the post-Civil War South in The Little Foxes. The National Players return to Tifton stages bringing Steinbeck’s immortal The Grapes of Wrath to life. Whether it is one of the many tremendous concerts by one of the ABAC Music Ensembles or one of the professional performers like Derek Evans as Teddy Roosevelt, this season is filled with incredible performances just waiting for you to discover!
The season subscription provides one ticket to each of the seven ABAC Presents! Performing Arts Series events. Items Not Allowed
No Recording, videotaping or photography. Please silence cell phones. Do not accept calls or text during event out of courtesy to other patrons and the artist.
Additional Information
ABAC Presents! is supported in part by Georgia Council for the Arts through the appropriations of the Georgia General Assembly. Georgia Council for the Arts also receives support from its partner agency, the National Endowment for the Arts.
Additionally, this series is presented through our generous Title Sponsor, Bell Plantation.
Presented By
6:45pm to 10:00pm
All Ages
229.391.4895 PAST EVENTS
Thursday, April 20th
Howard Auditorium, ABAC Campus Past Event
Sunday, March 26th
Tift Co. High School Performing Arts Center Past Event
Saturday, March 11th
Peanut Museum, GA Museum of Agriculture Past Event