CHUMP is an original musical comedy inspired by Charlie Chaplin’s The Great Dictator. It tells the story of the rise of a Trump-like character - Chump - and the three people who overcome fear, conflict, and culture to stop him. Rosie, a Latina immigrant who cleans the Chump Hotel. Malik, a Muslim second generation American and ex-Marine. And Estelle, Chump’s son’s Jewish fiancé. Chump is a charmer and a bully in public; behind closed doors he is a failed businessman, a figurehead often paralyzed by his insecurity.
Chump 2016 supports critical campus outreach and millennial engagement efforts. We are distributing CHUMP for free to encourage independent productions across the country -- but particularly in electorally critical states -- on college campuses and in regional theaters. At every performance, audience members will be able to register to vote and sign up to volunteer.
Executive Producer: Schlep Labs
Script: Adam Mansbach and Mik Moore
Songwriters: Keith Harrison, Laura Harrison, Alan Schmuckler, Matt Buechele, Jean Grae, Mira Stroika, Halley Bondy, and Lance Horne
$20 Ticket in Advance
$25 Ticket at the Door