Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization...Is coming to be known throughout the world as the most innovative and effective strategy for both sports performance enhancement and neuro-orthopedic rehabilitation.
Is a neuro-developmental approach to athletic performance and neuro-orthopedics that retrains the brain and nervous system’s control of the musculoskeletal system.
Exercise techniques “re-boot” faulty motor patterns by accessing ideal pre-programed motor patterns to create natural fluid movement guided by the central nervous system.
DNS Exercise I Course Objectives:
Understand the basic principles of developmental kinesiology with an emphasis on development during the first year of life. Describe the relationship between development during the first year of life and pathology of the locomotor system in adulthood. Understand new terminology such as functional joint centration, punctum fixum, punctum mobile and the integrated stabilizing system of the spine. Evaluate and correct poor respiratory patterns. - Assess the integrated stabilizing system of the spine both visually and utilizing dynamic functional tests.
Integrate corrective exercises based on the DNS functional tests and developmental positions in supine, prone, low kneeling, oblique sit, and quadruped global movements. Demonstrate how DNS corrective exercises can be integrated with other exercise strategies.
Presented By
10:00am to 4:00pm
Doors open at 9:45am
General Admission: $590.00
Body Kinetics<br> 1530 Center Road<br> Novato, 94947
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