Spend your Sunday evening clapping along to this incredible variety show. The Grand Jamboree will be preforming at the Buffalo Ridge Theater in Custer, South Dakota through-out the summer.
Featuring a phenomenal cast of musicians. The performance will entertain you with a variety of genres including; classic country songs, 50’s rock and roll, and you might even see Elvis himself! This upbeat show is full of costumes and is loads of fun for music fans of any age. Doors open for seating at 6:50 PM. The concession stand and magic/gift shop are open until 7:30 PM and concessions remain available throughout the show. We do offer group rates. There must be at least 10 adults to quality for a group rate. We also have special rates for buses and tour groups. Adults (age 18 and over) - $18 Teen (age 13-17) - $10 Child (age 12 and under) - $5 |
Presented By
7:30pm to 9:30pm
Adult: $18.00
All Ages