Armcannon & You Bred Raptors?
Presented By FTMP Events
Monday, December 4th at 6:00pm EST
Online sale ends: 12/04/17 at 5:00pm EST
Mohawk Place
47 E Mohawk St
Buffalo, NY 14206
-= series =-
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FTMP Events Presents: Armcannon & You Bred Raptors? w/ The Scarecrow Show, Grub, & more! Monday, December 4th $8.00 pre-sale, $10.00 day of show 18+ (ID Required) - No ID/No Entry Doors open at 6:00pm Tickets: http://www.purplepass.com/Armcannon120417 at: Mohawk Place 47 E Mohawk St Buffalo, NY 14203 / Keep updated on all the upcoming FTMP Events Website: www.FTMPEvents.com www.Facebook.com/FTMPEvents www.Twitter.com/FTMPEvents / Join our Email list: http://eepurl.com/KaCSX www.Instagram.com/FTMPEvents www.FTMPEvents.Tumblr.com www.facebook.com/groups/HelpBookBuffalo/ ::: Armcannon : http://armcannon.com/ ARMCANNON can be described in a very narrow manner as a video-game cover band from Buffalo, New York. However that would only be half the story. Armcannon plays original arrangements of a variety of nostalgic and (for lack of a better word) awesome music. Each piece is intricately arranged and have been described as "orchestral" on more than one occasion. But don't let that description fool you, as an Armcannon show is not a black tie affair. Besides brute musicianship the secondary factor in contrast to a serious or orchestral feel is something all too missing from most live performances, fun. Part of the beauty of playing music from video games, is that the spectrum of styles and moods is as wide as they come. Armcannon performances cover styles that range from jazz and blues, to thrash and doom metal. You might be singing along with a pop tune or banging your head to some face melting solos all within 5 minutes. Armcannon has performed with death metal bands, jam bands, comedy troupes, and avant-garde musicians. The key factor is that there is something for EVERYONE in the crowd to enjoy at one point or another during the set. You Bred Raptors? : http://youbredraptors.com/ You Bred Raptors? is a three piece busking band with the Music Under New York program that has legal permits to perform in the NYC subway system. They are an instrumental, experimental post rock ensemble made up of 8 string bass, cello, drums and two glockenspiels. Recently, the band has performed with Yoko Ono at her One Woman Show at the Museum of Modern Art, played close to 60 cities since 2015, performed and spoken at an official TED Talk, commissioned to be the house band for ADULT SWIM at Comic Con and provided soundtrack/scoring for TROMA Pictures. They have played alongside Spoon, Stu Hamm, Flux Capacitor, I Fight Dragons, The Protomen, Bear McCreary (composer for the Walking Dead) and Steve Jones (Sex Pistols), and were featured on Good Day New York, WNYC Radio, in The Economist, The Atlantic Magazine, Strings Magazine and Bass Guitar Magazine. The band has residencies across the boroughs including being a house band at the off-Broadway show "Sleep No More". |
Presented By
6:00pm to 11:00pm
General Admission: $8.00
1000 7169464332 UPCOMING EVENTS