Parade! Description
Walk a few blocks, enjoy an after party with music, kids activities, and a beer garden.
Please adhere to these three rules, designed to keep the parade non-commercial and fun for all ages: 1. No live animals except service animals 2. No words or symbols 3. No motorized vehicles except wheelchairs In consideration for the City of Duvall, March of the Vegetable and its sponsors, I personally, and on behalf of my child and group, assume all risks and hazards incidental to the conduct of the activity. I do further release and absolve and waive any right to bring a claim, action, suit or other proceeding against the City of Duvall, March of the Vegetable Productions and sponsors of the program for damages due to any injuries suffered because of participation in the program except for sole negligence of any of the above parties. Additional Information
See www.Marchofthevegetables.org
Presented By
3:00pm to 6:30pm
General Admission: $3.00
All Ages
Marchofthevegetables PAST EVENTS