Giant Puppet + Flower Hat
Presented By March of the Vegetables Parade
Sunday, February 25th at 12:00pm PST
Online sale ends: 02/25/18 at 11:00am PST
4597 Tolt Ave
Carnation, WA 98014
-= series =-
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Paula Strobel Description
Be part of a community project that will be carried high in the sky during the March of the Vegetables parade. You will work with Paula Strobel, Badieh Bryant, and Russel Hendricks to create a giant paper mache and fabric puppet.
Also, you'll have a chance to create your own flower hat to take home and wear in the parade. Beauty + whimsey! |
Presented By
12:00pm to 3:00pm
General Admission: $25.00
All Ages
Marchofthevegetables UPCOMING EVENTS