Madden Tournament Description
15 week madden tournament System: PS4 Game: Madden 18 or 19 $50 entry (singles) $500 cash prize & Championship belt Or test your skills $100 entry (2 man teams) $1000 cash prize & Trophys $200 entry (4 man teams) $1200 cash prize & Trophys Eligibility: Participants must be 18 yrs or older. Disclaimer: KCW Managers have volunteered their gaming equipment to be used for this event. Players must provide their own controller. ANY AND ALL DAMAGE CAUSED BY YOU WILL RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION, AND REIMBURSEMENT FOR THE DAMAGED PROPERTY. General Guidelines: - You may use any of the 32 NFL teams from the Madden 2018 roster. No other teams are allowed (Created teams, all madden, canton greats, etc.) - If you can not make it on game day you may have a substitute fill in for you or you must take the loss - You may change teams between rounds. - You may change your playbook between rounds. - Seeding and matchups for the tournament will be done by random draw. - Home and away will be decided with a coin flip - In the event a game ends with the score tied, the game will be restarted with the same game situation, and the first team to score will win. - In the event of a power loss or system freeze, the game will be restarted. - The KCW Manager/Supervisor reserves the right to make changes to the tournament format at any time. Game Settings: - Game Settings are as follows: o Difficulty: All-Pro o AI Settings: Default o Game Clock: 5 min quarters - May be decreased depending on time. o Weather: Random - Championship will be held in “Super Bowl” Mode o Challenges: ON - Substitutions can ONLY be made: o Before the kickoff o At halftime o If a timeout is called Cheating, Glitches, Reporting a Violation: - If you believe your opponent is cheating by abusing game programming glitches to gain advantage, or is violating the parameters set by the KCW Staff, report it immediately. The decision made by the supervisor on disqualification final. - Possible Glitches and Cheating Methods o D-Lineman must be kept on the screen o Onside Kicks are permitted ONLY: - When the kickoff team is down by 21+ - When the kicking team is losing in the 4th Quarter o No one may assist another player with decisions during the game. o In a situation where a FG is going to be attempted and the clock is running down, the defense CANNOT jump offside in effort to make the clock run out - Excessive intentional penalties will result in disqualification o Excessively toggling the screen to gain advantage is not allowed |
Presented By
11:00am to 1:00pm
Single player registration: $50.00
610.829.9106 UPCOMING EVENTS
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