A raw, character-driven story of the #MeToo era, Implied Consent mines the gray areas of relational power this October 11 - 14 at the Access Theater in New York City. Implied Consent is a play that examines unbalanced power dynamics across two centuries, illuminating how our society has changed for women, and how it has stayed the same. In Implied Consent, a writer (Sarah Elizabeth Grace) seeks to reclaim the feminist glory of an ancestor’s lost narrative. But when she returns to her Michigan hometown and reconnects with a childhood mentor (Matt W. Cody), both her subject matter (Adriana Jones)—and her own story—start to slip out of her control. The action jumps between mid-nineteenth-century Saginaw, early 2000’s suburban Detroit, and the present. Instead of villainizing any particular person or gender, Implied Consent grapples with the more subtle and pervasive ways emotional control and sexual assault imbues itself in our culture. When a relationship exists in the gray area it’s harder to decipher the helpful and the harmful. Implied Consent stars Sarah Elizabeth Grace as Tara Rose, Matt W. Cody* as Nick Genovese, Morgan McGuire as Rebecca Hill, Adriana Jones as Esther Daniels, Brendan Patrick Connor* as James Nash, and Ryan Desaulniers as Matthew Hildebrandt (*actors are appearing courtesy of the Actor’s Equity Association). Produced by Badass Lady Productions, Implied Consent is written by Sarah Elizabeth Grace and directed by Emily Hartford. Production team includes assistant director Britt Berke, sound designer Ned Massey, costume designer Emily Rose Parman, and lighting designer Sienna Gonzalez. Performances are held The Access Theater (380 Broadway, 4th floor, New York, NY) as part of the Access Association Series, on Thursday October 11th, Friday October 12th, and Saturday October 13th at 8:00 pm, and Sunday October 14th at 2:00 pm. Additional Information
Elevator access is made available 30 minutes in advance of the show's start time. To arrange access, please email impliedconsentplay@gmail.com.
Presented By
Event starts at 8:00pm
General Admission: $15.00
All Ages