We have a fabulous agenda put together for you, and we don't want you to miss it! Which side of the desk do you represent; distribution, manufacturing, GPO, analytics, purchasing, or logistics? Will you be joining us at the table? Don't forget to get your team registered to hear 4 fantastic speakers such as;
Laurel Sampson... Premier Guidance through Driving Implant Savings This is our 4th Annual Fall Conference and each year we have an Industry Night Social and Networking Event from 6-9pm. We will have heavy appetizers and beverages for you to go home full on. Please register here so we know you’re attending. https://www.purplepass.com/#173430/MCAHRMM-MCAHRMM_Fall18_Industry_Night-Sheraton-September-26-2018.html We are excited about the plans we have set up for this conference and hope you are too!
Presented By
8:00am to 5:00pm
General Admission: $35.00
All Ages
70 651-734-6623 UPCOMING EVENTS