The TrainHR Course is approved by HRCI and SHRM Recertification Provider. Overview: Assimilation is the process of properly absorbing a new hire into the organization so that they not only stay with the organization but they are ramped up faster. This means improved productivity, quality, customer relations etc. The first step in the process starts even before an employee sets a foot in the door of the new organization. The period of time from when an employee accepts a job to the time they start if they show up is critical.Many organizations ignore this very important step. The employee can't be left to sit out there in a very tight labor market.If they had been actively seeking work, they may continue to get calls for other interviews. The organization wants to mitigate this risk.The idea is to "absorb" that person into the workplace, not just introduce them in an onboarding sense. The idea is to get them "bought in" so that they don't second guess their decision and have buyer's remorse and change their mind about their decision to join the organization. This can also be a very important step in the engagement process as well which can drive employee retention. How to use both formal and informal activities to get the person involved so they feel a part of the team will be explored. How to look at other organizations and similar processes that have similar elements to an organization assimilation process will be discussed as well. Because 30% of employees make the decision to leave their job in the first 30 days we will explore steps to take to head off this type of decision and focus on activities in the first 30 days. The process needs to be intense in the first 30 days because of this phenomenon. It also needs to be very focused and conscious as to what will be done to assimilate in the first 180 days.We will look at the mindset of the new employee during the various time frames in the first 180 days to gain an insight into the type of assimilation activities that must take place. There will be a focus on developing a formal plan and not just doing things "by the seat of your pants." Structure without being cumbersome is critical. A shotgun approach will fail."Do's" and "Don'ts will be explored as organizations often make unintended errors that hurt assimilation and plant the seed of doubt that drives employee turnover. This is enhanced with leaders not understanding the importance of a formal process. The importance of the new employee knowing where to go for help, who to ask questions of and pluses of assigning a "buddy" that is a peer to the new employee. Because the social aspect of work is so critical, the person building a positive relationship with their co-workers is paramount. This can be critical to also offset other gaps that an organization has in the assimilation process. Lastly, it is important for the new employee to see that they are making progress, being successful and contributing to the success of the organization. A recap of all they have learned, accomplished and have yet to learn is critical. As the person gets toward the end of the initial assimilation, a discussion must be opened about the potential growth they have to look forward to and what their future could look like as a member of the organization is essential. Why should you Attend: Employee retention is a cost to your business. Depending on level of the employee, turnover can cost anywhere from 30-300% of an employee's annual salary. The cost to business is enormous and erodes profit margins and can make the difference between being profitable and losing money. When a business has constant turnover, there is a need to train new employees. When that is taking place, employee productivity is reduced, and the organization is far less efficient. Quality also suffers because employees do not know their jobs as they are being trained and more errors and defects occur. This can result in liability due to defective products and poor service. Depending on the business such as health care or elderly care it can also result in mistakes that injure or kill patients and clients. Customer service also suffers. New employees do not know the product or service the organization and will be a matter of survival for your business in the next decade. When this occurs, customers get angry and may take their business elsewhere. An organizations reputation in the community is hurt due to employee turnover. With the use of websites such as Glassdoor and Facebook, an organizations reputation can be devasted. This makes it fare more difficult to recruit new employees to the organization. As the baby boomers retire, organization will face a crisis of not being able to find enough people to run their business as the economy grows. If an organization is unable to find enough people to replace those leaving it can hurt the ability to grow and even threaten the survival of the business when it can not provide products or services to customers. Areas Covered in the Session:
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Event link: https://www.trainhr.com/control/w_product/~product_id=702175LIVE/?channel=purplepass-nov_2018_SEO Contact Details: NetZealous LLC, DBA TrainHR Phone: +1-800-385-1627 Email: support@trainhr.com |
Presented By
10:00am to 11:00am
General Admission: $145.00
All Ages
Friday, September 21st
Online Event Past Event
Monday, September 17th
Online Event Past Event