Medical Waste Management: Compliance & Disposal
Presented By Compliance Training Panel
Tuesday, October 30th at 1:00pm EST
Online sale ends: 10/30/18 at 12:00pm EST
Online Event
Bethesda, MD 20817
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Dyane Pignato Description
Identification of medical waste and applicable categories, how to properly handle/store different types of waste on-site, lifecycle to include transportation and recycling/disposal. Objective : Provide audience with thorough knowledge to maintain regulatory compliance in all areas of medical waste management and understand lifecycle. Areas Covered in the Session : 1. Identification of medical waste and applicable categories 2. how to properly handle/store different types of waste on-site 3. lifecycle to include transportation and recycling/disposal Who Will Benefit: 1. All healthcare professionals 2. Medical waste handlers/transporters 3. Trauma scene responders/professionals 4. Medical waste/equipment recyclers About Speaker: 10 years as a certified QEHS consultant and lead auditor for the medical, equipment/electronics and hazmat sectors in maintaining recycling and waste stream compliance 5+ professional years in the medical/healthcare field as a waste specialist and certified imaging technologist. Instructor for various QEHS compliance trainings and applications throughout career. Organizer: Compliance Training Panel Email: support@compliancetrainingpanel.com Phone: 844-216-5230 |
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1:00pm to 2:00pm
General Admission: $199.00
200 844-216-5230 UPCOMING EVENTS