SORRY, FOLKS! THIS SHOW HAS BEEN CANCELLED. CATCH US NEXT MONTH AT L'ETAGE AT You're about to enter a world unlike any you've ever seen before. Where rock n roll is king and the only law is a loaded gun. Where the beauty and the brave all meet in the streets of fire. Based on the cult classic Streets of Fire, Envoute supplies its audience with an action-packed, stylized, and fantastical look at another time and another place. Join the cast as they are whisked away to am ambiguously-40s world of greasers and pop stars. Show begins at 8pm Purchase VIP tickets to gain access to the drinks specials, games, and more at 7pm. This month featuring music by Paul Severe and performances by Lebon Lebon Featuring: - Tiel - Cameron Catastrophe - MasoKiss -Maryjane Twatson -Bettie Loup Garou Special Performances by: Lebon Lebon and Paul Severe Available until THE SHOW: $15 TICKETS ALL SUMMER LONG! Select "Summer Special" |
Presented By
7:00pm to 9:30pm
120 2153138266 UPCOMING EVENTS