Don't spend another day worrying that you and your organization might end up in legal trouble from federal immigration laws and regulations violations. The crucial information provided in this one-hour webinar will give you the knowledge and know-how needed to ensure your documentation is filled out appropriately, your records are kept correctly and your organization is legally compliant. WHY SHOULD YOU ATTEND
Immigration law is one of the most pertinent and publicized issues in the United States right now. Businesses across all industries and of all sizes are being affected. More than ever before, the courts are penalizing organizations like yours — and people like you — for failing to comply with complex and ever-changing immigration regulations. It can be difficult to keep up with all of the most current information concerning federal immigration laws and regulations, including the most recent employment verification process and I-9 requirements. During this webinar we’ll cover all of the basics as well as the best practices you’ll need to know to stay in compliance! AREAS COVERED
Organizations across the country are suffering the consequences of innocent mistakes made with regard to employment verification process and other immigration laws. This webinar will cover all of the basics and best practices you’ll need to know about form I-9 compliance, staying in full compliance with federal immigration laws and regulations and avoiding costly fines and violations. WHO WILL BENEFIT
HR professionals, managers and supervisors, small business owners and anyone who is responsible for hiring and ensuring employment verification compliance.
For more detail please click on this below link:
Email: support@trainingdoyens.com
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Tel: +1-720-996-1616
Fax: +1-888-909-188
Presented By
1:00pm to 2:00pm
Live Webinar: $159.00
20 +1-720-996-1616 UPCOMING EVENTS
Thursday, November 1st
Training Doyens 26468 E Walker Dr Past Event
Thursday, November 1st
Training Doyens 26468 E Walker Dr Past Event
Thursday, November 1st
Training Doyens 26468 E Walker Dr Past Event