Crazy Town
Presented By FTMP Events
Friday, February 22nd at 6:00pm EST
Online sale ends: 02/22/19 at 5:00pm EST
Evening Star Concert Hall
8810 Niagara Falls Blvd
Niagara Falls, NY 14304
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FTMP Events presents:
Crazy Town Friday, February 22nd Doors open at 6:00 pm $13 General Presale, $17 Day Of Show at: Evening Star Concert Hall 8810 Niagara Falls Blvd. Niagara Falls, NY 14304 / Keep updated on all the upcoming FTMP Events Website: www.FTMPEvents.com www.Facebook.com/FTMPEvents www.Twitter.com/FTMPEvents / Join our Email list: http://eepurl.com/c_mcgj www.Instagram.com/FTMPEvents www.FTMPEvents.Tumblr.com www.facebook.com/groups/HelpBookBuffalo/ / Support us: www.Patreon.com/FTMPEvents ::: Crazy Town : https://www.facebook.com/officialcrazytown/ When the new millennium arrived the music industry was in the midst of a new music revolution. The free delivery via shared files online created a new “outlaw” brand, that would prove instrumental in the way music would be not just delivered but created. One of the breakout bands to not just embrace but help shift the tectonic plates of the music industry was Crazy Town. As one of the first hybrid brands, they brought a new ball into the game. Equal parts urban and suburban, Chevrolet and Bentley, they rolled onto the music scene with a slow build that erupted when a “Butterfly” entered the room. The two founding members, Seth Binzer and Bret Mazur were introduced to each other by WILL I AM of the BLACK EYED PEAS. Binzer brought in his long-time friend DJ AM and Crazytown was born. The band was all the buzz in the industry, the talk of LA. Crazytown-mania created a classic Hollywood record label bidding war in which Columbia Records ultimately won. It was the Columbia/Sony worldwide reach which appealed the most to Crazytown and that reach had them touring the world and eventually garnered them a number 1 record in more than 15 countries, and selling more than 6 million copies of their first album, THE GIFT OF GAME. The success of their worldwide smash hit Butterfly in 2001 was inescapable and reached iconic status. In 2003, CrazyTown released the follow up to GIFT OF GAME, titled DARKHORSE. Couched by record executives to deliver a harder sound, the band did not follow their instincts in the studio. DARKHORSE was not the follow up record the band wanted to, or should have delivered. The luke warm reception by the media, and lackluster sales of the sophomore effort strained the relationship between the label and the band. Whether or not Crazytown was a vicitim of the changing playing field or of their own success, they found themselves without a record deal soon thereafter. Mazur and Binzer decided to take a little hiatus and re-energize for what would be Crazytowns third record. Binzer went on to have great success with a solo effort and Paul Oakenfold’s Starry Eyed Surprise. Mazur went back to his roots as a Writer/Producer/remixer working with the likes of The Plain White Tees, Julien K, Hollywood Undead and many more. Months turned to years, and it wasn’t until Bret called Seth to discuss releasing an album of unreleased Crazytown songs that the spark was re-ignited. They decided to get back into the studio and add one, or two brand new songs to the mix. In Mazur’s words “I just felt like we had all these songs that our fans would love to hear! Why let them die in my hard drive.” One or two new songs turned into a complete reformation of a new Crazytown. “We are taking it back to our roots, for the love of what we do”, stated Binzer. Well poised for reinvigorating their fans and banging out new ones, the band launched back live with a slew of tour dates, including the legendary Whiskey A Go Go in Hollywood and a slot at uber music fests Rock In Park & Rock Am Ring in Germany, NovaRock in Austria, & many more before crushing it at Download in the UK. Crazytown is back. Crazytown is wiser. Crazytown is better. Crazytown is now! |
Presented By
6:00pm to 11:00pm
General Admission: $13.00
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Sunday, December 23rd
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