Developing Daisy, an original musical
by Helen Newman and Stephanie Glickman, is a story of love and coming
out. Set primarily in the 1970’s, it resonates with issues still alive
today, especially the Me Too movement. The 70’s was a vibrant and
revolutionary decade. Changes were happening fast and lesbian feminists
were at the forefront of these changes as they fought both the external
battles against violence and inequality and the internal battles for
self-acceptance in a homophobic world. The program also includes a few
songs from the 1981 production of The Paris Project, an original musical
based on the lives of Natalie Barney and Romaine Brooks.
Musical Director: Luanne Hawk.
Performers: Erin Cross; Leslie Eliashuk; Teri Gibson; Carmen Lookshire; Mercedes Miranda; and Carol Wrobleski.
$15 Ticket in Advance & a 2 Drink Minimum in the Cabaret Theatre*
$20 Ticket at the Door (plus service fee) & a 2 Drink Minimum in the Cabaret Theatre*
*Drinks Must be purchased In the Cabaret Theatre to count towards the Minimum.