2019 Basic Wound Conference
Presented By GateWay Community College
Friday, October 18th at 8:00am AZ Time
Online sale ends: 10/18/19 at 7:00am AZ Time
Gateway Community College
108 N 40th Street
CH Building Room CH1106
Phoenix, AZ 85034
-= series =-
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Basic Wound Conference
**This continuing nursing education activity was approved by the Continuing Nursing Education Group, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation. Approved for 6.3 CEUs 7:00am Registration Opens 8:00 - Introductions 8:15am Pressure Ulser Staging 9:45am Break 10:00am Intertrigo vs. MARSI 11:30am Diabetic Ulcers 12:00PM Lunch 1:00pm Wound Assessment & Documentation 2:00pm Break 2:10pm The GI System & Urinary System 2:30pm Living with an Ostomy 4:00pm Q/A Closing & Evaluation Additional Information
Rebecca Zagrodzky
Presented By
8:00am to 5:00pm
General Admission: $45.00 100 602-286-8544 UPCOMING EVENTS