The Plays/Playwrights/Directors/Actors:
For Your Love by Christopher Goutman, directed by Lisa Pelikan,
with Chris Tipp*, Candace Janée, and Claire Smith.
My Way by Jason Howard, directed by Ken Lowstetter, with
Arsenio L. Stembridge and Philip Newcomer.
Petrified by Emma Goldman-Sherman, directed by Tatiana Baccari,
with Edmund Wilkinson*, Amelia Fowler, and Alisha Espinosa*.
The Great Devourer by Lori Goodman, directed by David Kronick,
with Tom Bozell*, Anna Ewing Bull*, Giselle Liberatore,
Jon L Peacock*, and Anthony Heider.
Ms.Thule Won’t Be Coming Back by Jon Fraser, directed by
Janice L. Goldberg, with Amanda Ladd*, Loren Bidner*, and
Clarence Demesier. (* appearing courtesy of Actors' Equity Association)
Presented By
7:00pm to 9:00pm
General Admission: $30.00
50 646-863-0006 PAST EVENTS