Top Pours - SD International Wine & Spirits Challenge Medal Winners Tasting
Presented By Cohn Restaurant Group
Sunday, June 2nd at 1:00pm PST
Online sale ends: 06/02/19 at 12:00pm PST
San Diego, CA 92101
-= series =-
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Head to Coasterra Sunday, June 2nd from 1-4pm for an afternoon of prestigious wine tasting! Guests will be able to try over 100 platinum, gold and silver medal winning wines from the San Diego International Wine & Spirits Challenge. Coasterra eats including paella, street tacos and more will served during the event. Tickets are priced at $40 per person. Please email maurice@dinecrg.com for more information.
See the list of award winners here: https://www.sandiegowinechallenge.com/results.html |
Presented By
1:00pm to 4:00pm
General Admission: $40.00
150 619-814-1300 UPCOMING EVENTS
Friday, May 17th
The Prado Past Event