Written by Cristina Luzárraga Performed by Andrea Negrete Directed by Gama Valle Performed by Karthik Raj Performed by Brandy Zarle Performed by Anthon Mondesir Performed by Bethany Geraghty Description
It’s the year 2175, and life’s just dandy—or at least that’s the story at Millennialville, a historical museum dedicated to reenacting the life and times of the early 2000s. Thisbe and Oren work at Millennialvile. Thisbe and Oren are in love. Thisbe and Oren need to make a big decision: will one or both them go on Productolife? Also, did penguins have ears? For the sake of their relationship, Thisbe really needs to know.
This reading will be performed in English. Additional Information
CIMIENTOS presents texts with visionary craftsmanship At core of the program is also the diversity and inclusion with which Cimientos has been curated. 19 years ago, IATI Theater began a steadfast commitment to the playwright. Hundreds of playwrights have graced the program. This year will be the first time that all 10 play readings are performed in less than a week. Cimientos, Spanish for “foundations,” now calls upon the most important member of this developmental step: you, the audience. We will from June 12th to June 16th, display 10 plays that have been years in the making and that are now primed for a public reception. We welcome you to help us make these plays all that they can be.
Presented By
Event starts at 6:00pm
Cimientos 2019 Pass: $0.00
50 212-505-6757 UPCOMING EVENTS