Midnight Masquerade
Presented By FTMP Events
Saturday, October 26th at 6:00pm EST
Online sale ends: 10/26/19 at 5:00pm EST
Buffalo Iron Works
49 Illinois St
Buffalo, NY 14203
-= series =-
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FTMP Events & Midnight Symphony presents:
' Midnight Masquerade ' - A Benefit for WNY Hero's & Queen City Pitties - Featuring performances by: Midnight Symphony, Barking Spiders, After Affect, & Jim Jowsey * Costume Contest, Basket Raffles, Door Prizes, 50/50, & more! Saturday, October 26th Doors at 6:00 pm $15 Presale, $20 at the door Ages 16+ (Under 16 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian) at: Buffalo Iron Works 49 Illinois St Buffalo, NY 14203 / Keep updated on all the upcoming FTMP Events Website: www.FTMPEvents.com www.Facebook.com/FTMPEvents www.Twitter.com/FTMPEvents / Join our Email list: http://eepurl.com/gvDLsb www.Instagram.com/FTMPEvents www.FTMPEvents.Tumblr.com www.facebook.com/groups/HelpBookBuffalo/ / Support us: www.Patreon.com/FTMPEvents |
Presented By
6:00pm to 11:00pm
General Admission: $15.00
8000 7169464332 UPCOMING EVENTS