Hocus Pocus, Live! a DrinkAlong performance
Presented By DrinkAlong
Thursday, October 31st at 8:30pm EST
Online sale ends: 10/31/19 at 7:30pm EST
Bar Thalia
Lower Level, 2537 Broadway
New York, NY 10025
-= series =-
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Do you love the movie, Hocus Pocus? Make sure your halloween isn't a DRAG and get your tickets to a DrinkAlong performance of Hocus Pocus. There will be games and prizes and drinks as your favorite Sanderson Sistahs transport you to Salem, MA in 1693 where their story began. See how three poor kindly old spinster ladies were tormented for merely sucking the lives out of little children. VIP tickets include a HOCUS POCUS Movie BINGO card with a chance to win $50! Play along!
October 31st Bar Thalia Show starts at 8:30pm Doors open at 8pm. Seating is limited! First come, first served. |