Tarot: The Fool's Journey Virtual Show #1
Presented By Envoute: Magic and Burlesque
Sunday, April 26th at 9:00pm EST
Online sale ends: 04/26/20 at 7:00pm EST
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0213 Tease Row
Philadelphia, PA 19147
-= series =-
Have Your Fortune Told
Envoute explores the mysterious and surreal world of Tarot drawing experience from the Rider-Wait deck and its cryptic imagery and symbolism each week with incredible variety acts and a musical guest. Guided by an expert card reader, the show will occur in random order as the whole audience's fortune is told and cards are drawn from the deck. Featuring: ⚖️Jaeda- Justice ✝️Cameron Catastrophe- High Priestess Additional Information
Enjoy this from the comfort of your own home. Password to view the video available upon purchase of tickets.
Presented By
9:00pm to 10:00pm
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