Piano Men Generations - The Music of Billy Joel & Description
To adhere to social distancing there will be two performances for each concert date and to a limited audience. The matinee performance will begin at 5:00 pm and the second performance will begin at 7:30 pm. Doors open 30 minutes before each performance. This year we have added reserved seating for all seats so you can choose your seat in advance and don't feel the need to come extra early to hold your favorite spot. We also will be sanitizing between shows to help do our part in keeping our crowd healthy. Please wear a mask at all times once you have entered the building. Once you are at your seat you are free to remove your mask, but if you need to move around please be respectful and wear your mask. To expedite admission to the concert we recommend you purchase tickets in advance. There will be a limited number of tickets available at the door unless the show is sold out. This year you will be given a colored wrist band specific to each concert. Please print and bring a copy of your ticket to provide your seat row and seat number. Wristbands for all future concerts are available at the ticket table at each concert. If you have purchased your tickets in advance and have picked up your wristband at one of the previous shows please have your wristband on before you arrive for quick entry. The bar will be open throughout the show. ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Two Men – Two Pianos – The Music of Two Music Legends: Billy Joel and Elton John PIANO MEN: GENERATIONS celebrates the musical influences of BILLY JOEL and ELTON JOHN brought to you by the amazing Father and Son team of Terry & Nick Davies. Not only have Billy and Elton written and performed music that transcends four decades of music lovers – both have done so, not standing center stage, but seated behind the ebony and ivory of an instrument that will forever define the spirit their music: THE PIANO! Join Terry & Nick on this journey through the careers of two music icons! |
Presented By
5:00pm to 6:45pm
Matinee Package (All 7 Shows) - VIP Section: $170.00 150 877 523 0069 UPCOMING EVENTS
Friday, June 5th
Eagle Pavilion Past Event