Presented By Koto
Friday, September 25th at 9:00pm EST
Online sale ends: 09/25/15 at 6:00pm EST
90 Washington St
Salem, MA 01970
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Impaler celebrates their 31st year of Shock Rock in 2014. They recently released their 12th album: "30 Years & Rising" last year.
Impaler is a Minnesota horror rock band from the Twin Cities. The band formed in the spring of 1983 with founding members Bill Lindsey (vocals), Michael James Torok (guitar), "Commander" Court Hawley (bass), Robert "Meaty Bob" Johnson (drums), and Mike Senn (guitar). Bill Lindsey is the sole continuing member of Impaler, keeping the band alive for more than 30 years. Impaler has a theatrical show which features fake blood, cages, coffins, latex severed heads and a finale that includes a mock disemboweling of victims. Impaler recorded demo tapes which caught the ear of Important Record Distributors and lead to the band being signed to the in-house labels IRD Records and Combat Records. They released two records with these labels, the first being the Rise Of The Mutants EP (1985)which caused much controversy with Tipper Gore and her P.M.R.C. organization. The record cover was also used as a prop in the cult horror movie Trick or Treat. Items Not Allowed
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9:00pm to 1:00am
General Admission: $8.00
150 978 594-8681 PAST EVENTS