Written by Nicolas Bascuñan Synopsis Tragedia es un artista latina, cantante de Hip Hop, que acaba de cumplir 50 años. Mientras ocurre su presentación en vivo, en un gran estadio de una polis latinoamericana, a Tragedia le ocurren una serie de acontecimientos que le hacen vivir una verdadera anagnórisis. Cegada por el orgullo, Tragedia se vengara de todo aquel que se meta con lo que más ama en la vida: su ego y su fama. This reading will be presented in Spanish. Directed by Andrea Velasco ‣ June 8 to June 11, 2023 Every year, our incubator culminates in our Staged Readings Series, a week-long festival presenting our exciting curation of national and cross-continental contemporary writers. Our readings fuel the genesis of theater: the playwright. The selected texts showcase an eclectic array of dramaturgy that spans several themes and styles, that are all unique in bending traditional playwriting conventions. Each presentation is always followed by a talkback featuring playwrights, directors, and actors in which we invite audiences to share their thoughts and ask questions. IATI Theater continues its commitment to developing new works by presenting its twenty third season of Cimientos, a play development program that has given hundreds of playwrights the foundations to explore their vanguardia through developmental workshop-panels and staged readings. |
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Event starts at 8:00pm
General Admission: $5.00 45 212-505-6757 UPCOMING EVENTS