Dance Studio Works: An Evening of Work in Progress December 1 at 7:00pm, MCC Performing Arts Center Please join us in celebrating the end of the semester with the MCC Dance Program! This informal, fun-filled evening will feature student dancers from a wide variety of MCC dance classes performing their final pieces of the semester at the PAC. Suggested donation is $8 or 8 non-perishable food items. Food donations will benefit the Mesa Market. Cash donations will benefit the MCC Dance Scholarship Fund.
Donation Information: If you wish to donate to the MCC Dance Company Awards account, please go to the Development website at: https://www.mesacc.edu/give-online In the designation field, please enter fund number of 4528, indicate "Dance Company Awards" or just "Dance."
Items Not Allowed
No videography or photography
Additional Information
Rows A & B will be for performers between their dances.
Presented By
7:00pm to 9:00pm
General Admission: $8.00 UPCOMING EVENTS
Thursday, November 30th
MCC Performing Arts Center - Lobby Past Event