TENNESSEE RIVER is the first and ONLY tribute band that has the vocal chops to do Alabama’s music justice, with their new hybrid of contemporary cross-over music, bringing a fusion of the rural and urban sounds of modern-day country and blues, with the spirit of rock ‘n’ roll, TENNESSEE RIVER stays true to the essence of Alabama’s music, taking their chart-topping songs and adding their own fresh, modern and unique energy, bringing Alabama’s music alive again for a whole new generation of country music fans. Items Not Allowed
Outside food or drinks
Presented By
7:00pm to 9:00pm
Reserved Seating: $33.00
All Ages
430 4803173600 UPCOMING EVENTS
Wednesday, March 13th
Ironoaks,Oakwood Clubhouse, Kingston Ballroom Past Event
Wednesday, March 6th
Ironoaks, Oakwood Clubhouse, Kingston Ballroom Past Event
Thursday, February 29th
The Ballroom at Oakwood Country Club Past Event