Love's Labor's Lost
Presented By Campbell Hall School
November 9th - November 11th, 2023 PST
Online sale ends: 11/10/23 at 9:30pm PST
Campbell Hall Theater
4533 Laurel Canyon Blvd.
Studio City, CA 91607
-= series =-
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Four delusional young lords vow to swear off life's pleasures (food, sleep, and women) and immerse themselves in "lofty" academic pursuits. However when four noblewomen from France arrive to negotiate land rights, love at first sight bludgeons these foolhardy young men. Cue the verbal sparring, donning of disguises, a play within a play, and Cupid! Shakespearean high jinks ensue! Reserved seating.
Additional Information
Email rowlanja@campbellhall.org for ticketing questions.
7:30pm to 9:30pm
Reserved seating: $15.00 UPCOMING EVENTS