Radiology 2024 welcomes attendees, presenters, and exhibitors from all over the world for the 2nd International Conference onRadiology and Diagnostic Imaging, which is going to be held on, May 16-17, 2024 in Rome, Italy. This event offers a platform for sharing cutting-edge research, exploring new imaging technologies, and discussing best practices in the radiology field. Radiology 2024 Congress is the occasion, the theme of “Investigating Novel Technologies in Radiology Imaging Techniques” will energize Radiology participants, professors, and researchers, from all over the world to exchange knowledge and the latest advancements in Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging Techniques. Over the course of the conference, you will have the opportunity to attend lectures, workshops, and networking events, all aimed at advancing the practice of radiology and diagnostic imaging. Radiology 2024 Conference is pleased to encourage radiology prospective researchers to submit their original works/case reports to this important radiology and diagnostic imaging forum, where you can be sure to have valuable interactions with Radiology academics and experts, students from other cultures and countries. Delegates from Universities and Institutes find the Radiology 2024 Conference to be a compelling opportunity to network with scientists. By attending the Radiology 2024 Conference with their colleagues, interested attendees may confirm their attendance. Regards, |
9:00am to 4:00pm
General Admission: $799.00 500 +44 7389643718 UPCOMING EVENTS