Join our Performing Arts students for their annual spring showcase! “You Are Here” is Maranatha Performing Arts’ final production of this season's theme- Journey. “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” Psalm 119:105 Dance Company, Choir, and Orchestra will perform a variety of numbers reflecting the fun cultures and destinations around the world in this fun, travel themed showcase. The words “You Are Here” give us a sense of belonging and purpose. The phrase tells us that we’ve arrived at our destination through whichever trials and triumphs we’ve endured on our paths. Come celebrate the creativity, talent, and growth of our performing arts students as they share the culmination of their year, the final destination of their journey, with all of you! Items Not Allowed
No FOOD or DRINKS are permitted in the Auditorium.
No Flash Photography and No Videotaping during the performance.
Additional Information
Thank you for your purchase! ALL SALES ARE FINAL. NO REFUNDS or EXCHANGES
*Doors open at 6:30pm. Show starts promptly at 7:00pm.
*Concessions, Candy-grams and Flower-grams are available for purchase.
*Performance will be held in the Ambassador Auditorium.
*PLEASE bring your paper or digital ticket to the event.
*Parking - please park in student underground parking lot off St. Johns Street.
If you have questions, please email fma@mhs-hs.org.
Presented By
7:00pm to 9:00pm
General Admission: $10.00
All Ages
800 FMA@mhs-hs.org UPCOMING EVENTS