Barrett Creative Honors Project Description
In 1941, the German physicist Werner Heisenberg visited Denmark, which was under Nazi occupation at the time. Historians are certain that the father of the uncertainty principle met with the Danish and Jewish physicist Neils Bohr at least once during his trip to Copenhagen. However, their discussion’s content is still a mystery. In his two-act play, Michael Frayn attempts to understand the reason behind Heisenberg's visit. Bohr and Heisenberg are the fathers of the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics. Their theory suggests that the results depend on the experimenter - the observer affects the measurement. Many physicists disagree with this theory since it suggests human involvement in natural processes of quantum interactions. In this project, the director - the experimenter - will try to affect the audience's experience of the text. The audience could answer a completely anonymous survey that asks simple questions about the performance. The data would be analyzed and presented as part of Shy-Lee's Barret Honors project. Items Not Allowed
Food and drinks are prohibited.
Additional Information
The production discusses concepts that are intended for mature audiences. The suggested age is 18+, but teens are welcome.
7:00pm to 8:00pm
RSVP: $0.00