Bialystock and Bloom! FPAC presents The Producers! A down-on-his-luck Broadway producer and his mild-mannered accountant come up with a scheme to produce the most notorious flop in history, thereby bilking their backers out of millions of dollars. Only one thing goes awry: the show is a smash hit! Directed by Raye Lynn Mercer, choreography by Broadway’s Clay Rice Thomson, and music direction by Hallie Wetzell! Items Not Allowed
Photography and video or audio recording are strictly prohibited. No outside food or drinks are allowed in the theater. Lap sitting is not permitted. No persons under two years of age are allowed at the performance.
Additional Information
Print-At-Home Tickets: Skip the ticket booth and go straight in to have your tickets scanned off your smartphone or printed paper!
Presented By
Event starts at 7:30pm
General Admission: $49.00 150 UPCOMING EVENTS