THE HOUSTON PREMIERE OF ‘THE TWELVE DATES OF CHRISTMAS’ OFFERS A HILARIOUS NEW OPTION FOR HOLIDAY LAUGHS Katrina Ellsworth stars in a hysterical one-woman holiday show, December 4 through 20 at The Kaleidoscope! THE TWELVE DATES OF CHRISTMAS, a one-woman comedy originally written and performed by Ginna Hoben, premiered at the American Shakespeare Center in 2010. The plot of the show is derived from two distinct times in Hoben’s life: shortly after she experienced a breakup and felt like everyone was trying to set her up with a new ‘Mr. Right,' and also when she made a promise to herself that she would go out with any guy who asked her on a date. Breaking the fourth wall through witty and hilarious tales of dating endeavors and woes, THE TWELVE DATES OF CHRISTMAS runs from December 4 to December 20 at the Kaleidoscope. Last year, Mary (Katrina Ellsworth), a thirty-something actress living in New York City, sat down to watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, as usual. This particular year, as the Snoopy Balloon rolled down Central Park West, a not-so-perfectly timed zoom-in captured her fiancé locking lips with a blonde stranger. This year, Mary invites us into her apartment to walk us through the year following the “incident.” Her sister, “Exercise Sally,” is ready to give Mary a push back into the dating world (using positive reenforcement and kickboxing), while Aunt Kathy takes it upon herself to arrange an impromptu episode of “The Dating Game” at her annual Eggnog Party. Mary’s mother, trying her hardest “not” to pry, just wants to make sure that she isn’t “lonely.” Between gigs as Lady Macbeth and The Ghost of Christmas Past, Mary takes things into her own hands, including a just-past-tipsy New Year’s Eve date with an old friend, a number-exchange with a brooding subway stranger and a St. Patty’s Day escapade with a young Irish bartender and his exceptional “arse.” Stepping in and out of the myriad of characters that have crossed her path, she recounts for us the twelve unfortunate dates that led up to today and the lessons learned along the way. Critics have said that “Hoben has created a woman’s show to join the annual, male-dominated Christmas lineup, but like SANTALAND DIARIES, it is a tale of real life and holiday hope touching us all.” Directed by Colton Berry and starring Houston’s own Katrina Ellsworth as Mary, Bayou City Theatrics’ production of THE TWELVE DATES OF CHRISTMAS brings a relatable, hilarious and eggnog-filled adventure of one woman’s search to find a relationship to the stage. If this play were a film, it would be rated PG-13 for language and adult situations. Leave the kids at home, come grab a glass (or two) of wine and prepare to laugh a little too hard this holiday season at the Kaleidoscope! Additional Information
Convenient cash parking is available at the SAKS' Garage at the corner of Fannin and Capitol. Theater entrance faces Capitol Street.
Presented By
5:00pm to 7:30pm
Premium: $40.00
All Ages
75 832.817.8656 PAST EVENTS
Sunday, August 14th
The Kaleidoscope Past Event
Saturday, August 13th
The Kaleidoscope Theater Past Event
Friday, August 12th
The Kaleidoscope Theater Past Event