The #1 XXX Adult Only Comedy Hypnosis show in America now appearing at The Arizona Event Center. "It's Amazing! The Minds of America!" is a unique entertainment offering that not only is in demand, but consistently generates repeat engagements. Following are comments from just a few of our clients: " You’re show was not only truly legitimate but a heck of a lot of fun. You are a true entertainer and a consummate professional. I think what I enjoyed best was the interaction with people of all ages keeping everyone entertained and involved. Still, after almost two months, all of our friends still talk about how much fun they had watching and/or participating in your show." - See more at: http://hypnoterry.com/terrys-full-story/#sthash.jcXFCKGU.dpuf |
Presented By
8:00pm to 11:45pm
General Admission: $15.00
4000 480-779-7716 UPCOMING EVENTS